Friday, August 24, 2012

'I hope my school is proud of me'

CHRIS Coombs, a pupil at John Cabot Academy in Kingswood, achieved sensational results with the equivalent of 19 GCSE A*-C grades.

He scored 11 A* in GCSEs, two triple A grades in BTEC exams and one C grade.

In his business GCSE exam, he scored 100 per cent marks – one of the top results in the country.

Chris, 16, of Barrs Court, Longwell Green, said the results were "mind-blowing".

He said: "There's no getting away from it – you have to put in a lot of hard work and a lot of revision.

"Maths is my favourite subject, it's just something I enjoy.

"I decided to set my own personal targets instead of just passing my exams and doing well in them.

"My parents said they would be proud of me whatever I achieved, so they didn't put any pressure on me.

"I was just trying to please myself and hoped my parents and the school would be proud of me."

Chris wants to go to university to study maths and then take a masters' degree.

Another top performer at John Cabot was Lily Grant, 16, from Frenchay, who achieved 12 GCSEs – five A* and seven As.

She said: "I was really nervous, to be honest. I didn't have much of a life during the past year because I started revising really early."

'I hope my school is proud  of me'

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