Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ogilvy's Rob Davis: Standards Needed for Premium Video Content

NEW YORK -- The online video business desperately needs more standards to make buying ads easier and that includes standards around premium content, says Rob Davis, Executive Director Advanced Video Practice at Ogilvy, during an exclusive interview with Beet.TV at the IAB Marketplace-Digital Video event this week in New York. The industry is making progress towards better standards and the IAB released a new set of standards for video this week, including for skippable ads. But what's also needed are standards for what constitutes premium content, Davis suggests in this interview. "I would define it as content developed for the Web for a higher end of target audience, not amateur or user-generated, and with a specific audience in mind," he tells us.Davis also discusses ad loads, interactive elements, and the growth in choice-based ads. The storytelling needs in online video ads are changing quickly, Davis says, explaining how marketers can rethink their approach in this video interview.

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